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Dear Member,
A last attempt to reach an agreement with video game employers this week was not successful. Management remains unwilling to agree to fair terms that would bring the interactive contract into the 21st century.
Therefore, as of 12:01 a.m. PT today, SAG-AFTRA is on strike against the following video game employers with regard to all games that went into production after Feb. 17, 2015: ​
​Activision Publishing, Inc. ​Blindlight, LLC ​Corps of Discovery Films
​Disney Character Voices, Inc. Electronic Arts Productions, Inc. ​​Formosa Interactive, LLC
​Insomniac Games, Inc. ​Interactive Associates, Inc. Take 2 Interactive Software
​VoiceWorks Productions, Inc. ​WB Games, Inc.  
Read the strike notice to get all the details and click here for a flyer about the strike.
The two issues of greatest contention are transparency and secondary compensation. While the companies are willing to disclose potentially objectionable material that may be involved in the role, they refuse to tell the performer’s agent what game the actor will be working on. This keeps the performer from being able to make an educated decision about whether to take job. This is unheard of in any of our other contracts. 
Regarding secondary compensation, employers have offered to give actors an upfront bonus based on number of sessions worked, starting at the second session worked. The negotiating team is willing to agree to their proposal, as long as secondary compensation is an option. In other words, an employer would have the option to buy out an actor by paying a bonus upfront or, if they prefer, they would have the option to pay a bonus after the game releases, if the game happens to sell more than 2 million units. The employers have refused to consider this option, excluding games from union talent if they are unable to afford the upfront bonus structure.
After nearly two years, management has been unwilling to resolve these issues in an equitable manner. This strike is not the union’s preferred outcome, but is necessary to let employers know SAG-AFTRA members will stand fast to their principles and not be exploited.
During a strike, it is critical that all members demonstrate solidarity so that we can present a united front to management. If you work for one of the affected productions, it’s your responsibility to honor the strike, but even if you’re not, your support is needed. If you live in the Los Angeles area — no matter what contract you work under — please join us on the picket line on Monday morning at 10:30 at the below location. Your fellow members need you!
Also, be sure to show your solidarity by tweeting #performancematters.
For more details and to sign up for updates, please visit our website at If you have questions, please call the strike hotline at (323) 549-6815.
Please RSVP here if you can join us on the picket line:
When: 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24
Where: Electronic Arts
5510 Lincoln Blvd, 
Playa Vista, CA 90094​

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