Sorry, registrations are no longer available for 2022 Corporate/Educational Contracts Wages & Working Conditions Meeting - WMA Local
Aug 30, 2022 - 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM EDT

Where: Zoom

The SAG-AFTRA Washington-Mid Atlantic Local will be conducting Wages & Working Conditions (“W&W”) meetings in preparation for the 2022 Corporate/Educational & Non-Broadcast Contract (“Co/Ed Contract”.) The Co/Ed contract expires October 31, 2022.

Proposals for this negotiation are developed through the involvement of members like you. Make your voice heard and participate in this very important process. Meetings are open to all paid-up SAG-AFTRA members*.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 10:00-11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Meetings will be held by Zoom. You must have a Zoom account that identifies you by name to participate.  RSVP by completing the registration form below (you must be logged in to see the RSVP form). Upon RSVP, you will immediately receive a Zoom link and confidentially agreement.

Please check your email and Washington-Mid Atlantic Local webpage for any additional meetings.

If you cannot attend a W&W meeting, you may submit proposal recommendations by email at Recommendations must be received by 5 pm on Monday, August 29, 2022.  

W&W meetings are only open to paid-up SAG-AFTRA members in good standing (paid through October 31, 2022 or in compliance with the May 2022 dues relief extension program) — no guests are allowed. Parents/guardians of performers under 18 years old are welcome. 

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