Sorry, registrations are no longer available for 2022 L.A. Local Virtual Membership Meeting
Deadline to RSVP is Nov. 30 at 12 noon PT.
Please join your SAG-AFTRA L.A. Local Officers, President Jodi Long, First Vice President Sheryl Lee Ralph and 2nd Vice President David Jolliffe, along with local board members and your staff, for a virtual SAG-AFTRA L.A. Local membership meeting.
Come and hear the latest news and updates. Members will have the opportunity to learn and ask questions of elected representatives and staff. Mark your calendars for Sunday, Dec. 4 at 11 a.m PT. This will be an online virtual meeting.
RSVP Required: Log in to see the form below and RSVP by Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 12 noon PT. If more than one SAG-AFTRA member per household will be attending, each will need to RSVP individually.
Please note: You will receive your unique Zoom information the day before the meeting from <no-reply@zoom.us>. If you have trouble joining the Zoom meeting, please email webhelp@sagaftra.org or call (323) 549-6789.
Members must have a registered Zoom account in order to participate and will receive a unique Zoom link that is not transferable. We recommend participating from a location that has the necessary internet access for optimal viewing. You must use a Zoom account with the same email address that was submitted with the RSVP.
There will be a two minute time limit for questions and comments. Members will be expected to engage with professionalism and courtesy.
Questions? Please email larsvp@sagaftra.org.
By RSVPing below, you agree to the following:
"I understand that in order to be eligible to attend the meeting I must be a paid-up member in good standing of the Los Angeles Local or in compliance with the November 2022 Dues Relief Extension Program or a parent/guardian of an eligible member under 18 years old. I agree to not forward my unique registration link for this meeting to anyone else or permit other unauthorized individuals to hear the meeting audio or see the meeting video."
This event is only open to paid-up SAG-AFTRA Los Angeles Local members in good standing (paid thru Oct. 31, 2022, or April 30, 2023 or in compliance with the November 2022 Dues Relief Extension). No guests are allowed. Parents/guardians of performers under 18 years old are welcome.