Sep 05, 2022 - 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM EDT

Where: PPG Arena parking lot

Join the SAG-AFTRA contingent as we march in the 2022 Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh. The annual tradition is back! This is the second-largest Labor Day parade in the country.

When: Sep. 5, 2022, 10 a.m. ET

Where: We will meet up in the PPG Arena parking lot. Look for our banner and a group wearing black SAG-AFTRA T-shirts. We will march the same parade route as most years past.

The route takes us from Centre to Grant to Boulevard of the Allies. (The review stand and parade finish are still in front of the Steelworkers Building.)

Please note that road closures near the parade route begin around 7:30 a.m. and will include Centre and Liberty Ave. You do not need to be at the lineup location this early; however, be aware of how to navigate to the lineup location. Please arrive by 10 a.m., as we will be marching shortly after.

SAG-AFTRA members, friends and family will march with our banner and vehicles.

Coffee, water and pastries will be provided. Also, members get a free SAG-AFTRA T-shirt! A limited number are available on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. If you already have one, please wear it.

A group photo with our banner will be taken before the parade begins.

Please note that there will NOT be a member picnic after the parade this year. 

RSVP: Reservations are required. Please RSVP for you and your guests to

Please continue to follow all state and federal guidelines related to COVID-19. Additional resources can be found here.

Please note that SAG-AFTRA will be taking photographs and videos at the event which might be used in our publications, social media, and to promote the union and its activities. You and any guests attending with you might appear in the photos and by attending with SAG-AFTRA's group you agree to these uses. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our local staff at the event.

Parents/guardians of younger performers under 18 years old are welcome. SAG-AFTRA members, please bring your membership card or digital card from the app (paid thru Oct. 31, 2022, or in compliance with the May 2022 Dues Relief Extension) for admittance.

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