It is imperative that our voice be heard. Please contact the Governor’s office and urge him to sign these bills.
Dear Hawaii Local Members,
Awaiting the Governor’s signature are two important bills that will protect the privacy and publicity rights of our members and the people of Hawaii.
Both SB 309 - Relating to Privacy (Deep Fakes) and SB 714 - Relating to Publicity Rights have been heard and passed out of the Hawaii Legislature.
SB 309 amends HRS 711-1110.9 to include the creation, disclosure or threat of disclosure of non-consensual, sexually explicit material such as deepfake pornography among the offenses that constitute a violation of privacy in the first degree. This amendment will not only protect our members, but all the citizens of Hawaii. As a recent Washington Post article stated, “Fake-porn videos are being weaponized to harass and humiliate women: ‘Everyone is a potential target.’”
SB714 clarifies that the Hawaii Publicity Rights Act (HPRA), codified as HRS 482P, applies retroactively to protect the publicity rights of individuals who died prior to the date of its enactment. This small addition to the HPRA will go a long way to protect and empower families of those who are deceased and being exploited.
It is imperative that our voice be heard. Please contact the Governor’s office and urge him to sign these bills.
You may follow the instructions online here to voice your support of these two bills, or you may call to reach the Governor’s Office directly: (808) 586-0034.
Please email mericia.palmaelmore@sagaftra.org for more information.
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