Dear Screen Actors Guild Member:


We’ve launched a new zone on the SAG website -- It’s called SAG Talk and it’s where you will find interesting and topical news and information for SAG members.

Please take a moment and visit SAG Talk at to read the following posts:

1. Our response to the AMPTP’s recent statement. Our response is up first, but if you want to read the AMPTP’s statement just scroll down a bit.

2. See the one that started it all. Read the post titled “Union.” Over on the right side of the SAG Talk page you will see a post index. Click on the one titled “Union” to read the definitive rumor-busting wrap up of the great “Norma Rae” painting caper.

We hope you like SAG Talk and we hope you will visit us occasionally. Check us out frequently to see and read our periodic postings. And don’t forget to visit the Contract 2008 section of the website for updates on negotiations.

Thanks, as always, for your extraordinary support for your union.

Go to SAG Talk, read the posts and tell us what you think. And what you want to read. We might just take requests. — click the link and check it out now.

Also, remember to sign on to the Solidarity Statement in support of the SAG National Negotiating Committee. To put your name on the list of more than 5,300 members, send an email with your name and SAG member ID number to (that’s an email address not a link.) Also, to see the names of all of our signers, just visit and click on the Solidarity Statement box.

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