Attention SAG members:

The Comedy Central animated TV series South Park is engaged in re-casting. SAG members are instructed—in accordance with previous National Board directives—not to audition or accept employment on this series.

South Park is not covered by any SAG agreement, and its producers are not providing SAG wages, benefits and conditions of employment. Please do not accept any employment or renew any contract unless you have confirmed with SAG that the show’s status has changed.

Because it is vital that you stay in good standing with your union, please be advised that employment on South Park would currently subject a SAG member to a RULE ONE VIOLATION.

Members who have any questions should contact the Guild’s Television Contracts Department and ask for Sally O’Neill Tich at 323/549-6835.

You will be kept informed and updated on this matter through SAG publications, the 24/7 website and additional notices to talent agencies.

Thank you,

Screen Actors Guild


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