If you have a specific question about consecutive employment or need further information, please contact a business representative at your SAG-AFTRA local office. Please note there are exceptions to consecutive employment rules under the SAG-AFTRA Low Budget theatrical agreements. Contact a business representative for further information on the Low Budget terms.


Performers shall be paid on a consecutive basis from the first day they are instructed to report for work, subject to the following:


Day Performers:


If, at the time of original engagement, the day performer is given a firm pick-up date which is more than 10 calendar days (for films shooting entirely in the USA) or 14 calendar days (for all other films) after the close of his initial employment, compensation need not be paid for the intervening time.


Performers employed on a daily basis may be called back on a daily or a weekly basis with an "on or after" pick up date, thus allowing Producer a 24 hour leeway.


Whether recalled as a day performer or as a weekly performer, only one such break in employment is allowed per production.




Performers may be recalled for retakes, added scenes, process shots, looping or trailers, after the completion for the performer’s work in principal photography, without payment for the intervening time.




There is no consecutive employment between rehearsal and photography, subject to the performer's general availability and an on "on or about" or firm start date being given for principal photography. However, there is consecutive employment during rehearsal.

Rehearsal is paid at the same rate as for photography. If a weekly performer rehearses for less than a week, the rehearsal days may be pro-rated, provided that the performer does not receive less than the day performer minimum per day.


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