Didn’t this contract used to be called the Industrial Contract?
Yes, it was called the Industrial Contract but in the 2011 negotiations the name was changed to better represent
what this contract offers. It is now called the Corporate/Educational & Non-Broadcast Contract, which we have
shortened for ease of use to “Co-Ed.”
What is a corporate, educational or non-broadcast program?
Generally, these are productions for non-broadcast use, including in classrooms, stores, or DVDs shown in corporateoffices or dealer showrooms. They can also be instructional content shown on websites or on new media platforms.
Behind-the-scenes footage or b-roll footage also falls under the Co-Ed.
What is the difference between a Category I and Category II program?
Co-Ed programs are divided into 2 categories with different rates. Category I programs are designed to train, inform, or promote a product or perform a public relations function and are shown on a restricted, in-house basis only. This includes all programs made for exhibition in classrooms, museums, libraries and other similar locations regardless of whether or not an admission fee is charged.
When is the session payment due for a Co-Ed program?
Session payment for a Co-Ed program is due 30 calendar days after the session.
What are the late payment penalties?
Late fees are $3.00 a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) up to 30 days for a maximum of $90. If the payment is still delinquent after 30 business days, the Union can send a notice to the producer assessing an additional $75 and $5 a day until the payment is made.
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