Rebecca Damon

Rebecca Damon was unanimously appointed New York Local president at the New York Local Board meeting on Nov. 2. In addition to her local role as New York Local president, Damon also serves as SAG-AFTRA executive vice president, the union’s second-highest office, after being re-elected to a two-year term on Oct. 6.

New York Board member Ezra Knight was appointed 1st vice president, the position Damon vacated upon becoming president. National Board member Jay Potter was appointed to fill the vacant spot on the New York Local Board.

“I served alongside [late New York Local President] Mike Hodge from the moment I became a board member. He was a dear friend, a cherished mentor and a stellar leader. Being selected by the board to serve as New York Local president in the wake of his passing is more than an honor; it’s a tremendous responsibility. Mike’s legacy of protecting and fighting for New York members will guide me as I take on this important work,” said Damon. 

Said SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris, “I congratulate Rebecca Damon on her appointment as New York Local president. Her deep commitment to the membership and her dedication to the union are hallmarks of her leadership. I have no doubt she will continue to expand on that extraordinary service in this new role.”

A champion for workers’ rights, Damon’s leadership includes working to strengthen New York’s right of publicity law for the benefit of all members. She is a recipient of the Irish Echo Connecting America Award and SAG-AFTRA New York Local's Joseph C. Riley Award.

Damon is also a vice president of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, an educational, humanitarian and philanthropic nonprofit organization. She is the primary elected liaison for Foundation programming in New York and oversaw creation of the Robin Williams Center for Entertainment and Media in Times Square. 


This article was originally featured in the November 2017 local newsletter.


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