The American Jobs Creation Act, ground breaking film tax-incentive legislation passed the House and Senate on October 11. Once signed by the President, the new law will provide a tax break to qualified television and film productions with budgets between $1-15 million (20 million for those made in distressed areas). The law requires that 75% of services be performed in the United States.

Screen Actors Guild worked hard for the passage of this legislation, along with our coalition partners, lead by the DGA. SAG President, Melissa Gilbert stated, “ This collaborative effort will result in more good jobs with benefits, for American workers. Combined with extraordinary state film incentives, we are slowly bringing work back to the United States. We applaud the many legislators who fought for this law, and the Directors Guild of America for leading the charge.”

Runaway Production Alliance Members

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS); Association of Talent Agents (ATA); American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA); Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP); Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (AIVF); The Caucus for Television Producers, Writers and Directors; Directors Guild of America (DGA); Film U.S.; Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund (formerly the Theatrical and Television Motion Picture Special Payments Fund); Hollywood Post Alliance; Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA, formerly the American Film Marketing Association); International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE); International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA); Producers Guild of America (PGA); Production Equipment Rental Association (PERA); Recording Musicians Association (RMA); Screen Actors Guild (SAG); Writers Guild of America, west


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