Standard Television

The information contained on this website is provided for general information purposes only.  We try to provide quality information that is as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site.  Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice, guidance, or direction of SAG-AFTRA’s Entertainment Contracts department, which retains absolute authority in determining which agreement is appropriate to be offered for every submitted project. You should not act or refrain from acting based on information provided on this site.

High-Level Summary

Covering scripted television series (excluding soap operas), television mini-series, television movies, and straight to DVD releases airing on traditional Network or Basic Cable television, or home video. 

Payment Structure

All rates quoted are minimums and do not limit the performer’s right to negotiate for better rates, terms, or conditions of employment.

Performer rates are typically structured on a per-episode basis for television agreements, and will vary depending on the show length (e.g., a ½-hour or 1-hour runtime vs. a 1½-hour or 2-hour runtime). 

Series performers may be subject to options and exclusivity.

Additional Compensation

Need to figure out the proper description for residuals/compensation as the program airs. Needs to be kept simple and short, then refer the user to the full agreement for details.


Under most conditions, overtime is activated when a performer works longer than 10 hours in a given day, even if the performer worked fewer than 10 hours another day that week.

Review the Full Agreement (link) for more details on overtime rules and penalties.

Pension & Health

The Pension and Health Contribution is equal to 19% of the total gross salary prior to distribution.

Performer Holidays

I’m not sure I understood this correctly, please review and revise

Pre-specified Holidays

  • New Year's Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Day

Additional Holiday List (Performer selects one):

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday

  • Memorial Day

  • July Fourth

  • Labor Day

  • The Friday after Thanksgiving

Nudity Rider

A nudity rider is required if this will be asked of the performer. Requirements include providing the performer with a full and detailed description of the scene, as well as details of exactly how much of the performer’s body will be exposed. For more information, please read our detailed description of the nudity rider (link).

Details by role

Agreement details may vary based on your performer type.
Airplane & Helicopter Pilots
Extras & Background Actors
Photo Doubles, Stand-ins (not nude), & Hand Models
Principal Performers
Speciality Acts (Includes Puppeteer & add'l Special Abilities)
Stunt Performers, Coordinators & Drivers

Term / Series / Multiple Picture (or Franchise) Performers

The specifics are typically to complex to represent in a simple grid. For details, review the Full Agreement.

Supporting Material

TV Department
Are you a broadcaster?
Broadcast is handled on a case by case basis. For more information, contact the broadcast department

Help Center

On-Set Emergency

On-Set Emergency: (844) 723-3773

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