Los Angeles (October 25, 2006) -- Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the Directors Guild of America (DGA), the Producers Guild of America (PGA), and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) submitted joint comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding independent television production on October 23. This filing is part of SAG's ongoing effort to increase the hours of independent programming on broadcast television.

In addition to the filing, each of these unions and guilds, along with other industry organizations, presented testimony before the FCC during the October 3 public hearing on independent content in Los Angeles. The Guild was represented by National Board Member, Anne-Marie Johnson, who said:

"Since the repeal of the FCC financial interest and syndication rules, the networks have engaged in unprecedented vertical integration with movie studios and production companies. Due to this vertical integration, independent producers who traditionally created network programming have essentially been shut out of the primetime network equation. Accordingly, we think the FCC, as custodians of the public's airwaves, should require that 25% of all primetime network programming hours be provided by true independent producers--not the networks. Producers who are stakeholders and risk takers, who are rewarded when their creative vision results in successful returns."

This is part of Screen Actors Guild's ongoing efforts to lobby the FCC on behalf of professional actors.



SAG FCC Filing



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