Call San Francisco Supervisor Malia Cohen’s office NOW at (415) 554-7670. Please tell Supervisor Cohen to re-insert the “when feasible” clause into Ordinance 140854.

Supervisor Cohen (District 10) has introduced Ordinance 140854 and it goes before the full Board of Supervisors Tuesday at 2 p.m. This ordinance would require productions to notify neighborhoods 72 hours in advance of filming with no exceptions. Initially the ordinance included the language “when feasible” but this clause has been removed. Production schedules can be subject to short notice changes. The 72-hour notice should include “when feasible.”

We support the need to notify neighborhoods – productions should treat their locations with respect. But there must also be consideration made for last-minute production scheduling changes.

Please also call the other supervisors listed below and give them the same message. The vote is Tuesday at 2 p.m. If Supervisor Cohen’s ordinance does not contain “when feasible”, vote it down.

Supervisor Avalos, District 11: (415) 554-6975
Supervisor Campos, District 9: (415) 554-5144
Supervisor Kim, District 6: (415) 554-7970
Supervisor Tang, District 4 : (415) 554-7460
Supervisor Breed, District 5: (415) 554-7630
Supervisor Chiu, District 3: (415) 554-7450
Supervisor Farrell, District 2: (415) 554-7752
Supervisor Mar, District 1: (415) 554-7410
Supervisor Wiener, District 8: (415) 554-6968
Supervisor Yee, District 7: (415) 554-6516

Note: There is no public comment Tuesday before the vote – so now is the time to let your voice be heard.

SAG-AFTRA is a union that has among its members a diverse group of performers, broadcasters and newscasters. The passage of this resolution/statement should not be interpreted as a personal statement of opinion by or of any specific member of the union.


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