It is my intention and duty to help make sure your needs as a member are addressed and, to that end, below are opportunities and services that I hope you find beneficial.
The Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health offers free counseling services through Keep Calm Through COVID hotline at 1 (866) 310-7977, available anytime. 
If you have lost your health insurance, please visit to see what options might be available to you.
New local resources for COVID-19 are being added to our website each week. Please continue to submit useful information for members to share. Links or questions for me can be sent to
The Oxford Virtual Film Festival has begun and kicked off with the McPhail Block that stars two of our renowned members in Mississippi: Johnny McPhail and Susan McPhail. You can catch this film block and their Q&A through May 1. The festival continues with more screenings and programs online through August. Click here for more information.
In February, I informed you about a residuals presentation the Local Board had planned for March, but that webinar is on hold with some scheduling challenges due to the pandemic. However, residuals processing continues. Last month, your Local Board received this information from our National Executive Director David White on residuals that I wanted to share:
“SAG-AFTRA, with our skeletal ‘essential staff’ still working in our headquarters in Los Angeles, is currently processing an average of 95,000 residual checks per week during this turbulent period.  This means we sent around $20 million to members this past week.” The union managed to get the residuals team to qualify as "essential staff" by the City of Los Angeles.  
In closing, I want to thank our staff who are keeping our residuals checks coming, updating the website, sending out emails (like this one) and focusing on the TV/Theatrical negotiations of the biggest contract that means so much to our New Orleans Local members.
Though we may feel alone, we are on this roller coaster ride together. Please know that.
In unity,
Diana Boylston
New Orleans Local President


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