David C. Farmer

Aloha Brothers and Sisters,

The next annual general membership meeting is coming up in September. Stay tuned for details.

This year’s meeting will feature some exciting resource offerings, starting with a voter registration presentation, followed by some delicious catered pupus and, tentatively, two guest speakers who will share some developing opportunities.

A reminder: Please bring your current SAG-AFTRA card and make sure that your dues are current through October to gain entrance to the meeting.

In our next issue, we will introduce our local board members, who will share some of their personal and professional backgrounds you may not know. I’m extremely proud of our hard-working board for their individual talents and collective efforts to encourage quality work opportunities for you, as well as their work to insure safe and fair working conditions for all.

We are in the planning stages for a neighbor island special membership meeting, hopefully this year. Details to follow.

Meanwhile, Hawaii Five-0 is back for its fifth season, and hopefully more major film projects in Hawaii will materialize in the second half of this year.

As always, work is what it’s all about, so keep your instrument tuned and ready for professional opportunities through workshops and classes like those offered through our conservatory program. If you haven’t checked out this extremely affordable resource, now’s the time.

Legislatively, I’m very pleased to report that, with our support and the support of many others in the labor community, the minimum wage measure was passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor, gradually increasing it to $10.10 by January 2018 from its current $7.25.

Nationally, it’s now been more than two years since we voted to merge and form a stronger and more effective union. We have a brand-new logo that beautifully reflects our diversity and breadth, and the difficult work of merging the pension plans continues apace. We should all be extremely proud to be active members of this dynamic organization at this very important time in its history.

We are also currently in contract negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers for a new SAG-AFTRA Television/Theatrical contract. The current contract expires on June 30, 2014. A press blackout on the process is in effect until negotiations are concluded.

As a reminder, if you need assistance with any union-related issue, on set or otherwise, as always, do reach out to our dedicated and talented Executive Director Brenda Ching. I also am always available to talk with you as well.

As noted in this newsletter, a member orientation meeting is coming up in July that you may want to attend to refresh yourself with the benefits of our union and meet franchised agents.

Finally, to quote the title of the Happenings’ 1966 remake of the original Tempos’ 1959 song: See You in September!

In solidarity,
David C. Farmer
President, Hawaii Local

This item was originally featured in the June 2014 local newsletter.


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