Doors open at 6:15 pm.
Join AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and Atlanta Local members for the National Day of Solidarity for SAG-AFTRA and WGA members on strike. Members of the TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee, Atlanta Local President Eric Goins and Mike Pniewski, are scheduled to speak.
Wear your SAG-AFTRA t-shirt! Limited SAG-AFTRA t-shirts will be available while supplies last for members with a current membership card (or their digital card on their app).
Parking: there is large parking lot but we are expecting a crowd, so please carpool if possible. Should the lot be full and you park along the street, DO NOT park in residents' yard or block their driveways. Thank you.
All are welcome! No RSVP required.
Visit sagaftrastrike.org to find detailed information, updates, helpful FAQs and picket schedules. Please add to the conversation on social media using #SAGAFTRAstrong, #SAGAFTRAstrike, and #Power2Performers.