Several hands in black and white with "Welcome Aboard" in white writing above it.
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Mar 12, 2025 - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM PDT

This event will be held in person.

Where: James Cagney Boardroom, SAG-AFTRA Plaza, 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036

RSVP Required: Log in to see the form below and RSVP by Mar. 11 at Noon p.m. PT.

Did you just join the union?  
Not sure how to get an agent?  
Have you booked your first job, or better yet, your second one?  
Is it confusing figuring out how much your paycheck should be?
Want to find out about all the perks and benefits you’re entitled to?

Join the Member Orientation Subcommittee of the L.A. Local MORE Committee for a 3-hour informational meeting answering all these questions and more! This in-person session will cater to members who are starting their careers and want to learn what comes next.

From our union’s history, to how to get engaged in the negotiating process and the various lucrative contracts you can work, this will be a curated member orientation you don’t want to miss!

When: Wednesday, Mar. 12 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. PT

Where: James Cagney Boardroom, SAG-AFTRA Plaza
             5757 Wilshire Blvd.
             Los Angeles, CA 90036

Parking: Please park in the garage off of Curson Ave. and bring your parking ticket for validation.

Questions? Email

No late admittance. Doors will close at the beginning of the event. RSVPs do not guarantee seating. These events are overbooked to compensate for no-shows.

This event is only open to SAG-AFTRA L.A. Local members in good standing (paid up thru Apr. 30, 2025). No guests allowed. Performers under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Submit ADA requests below 72 business hours before the start of the event.

You must log in to register for this event.

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