Hollywood has awakened to the brilliance of CJ’s many talents. After decades of TV, Film, Stand-up Comedy, and Stage Appearances that brought him unsurpassed popularity in the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Signers communities worldwide - CJ is making an impact throughout the industry.
CJ created the Na’vi Sign Language (NSL) for James Cameron’s highly-anticipated Avatar 2, and will introduce the world to NSL as part of the film’s promotional campaign. CJ also received global acclaim for his role as Joseph, the caring father to Ansel Elgort as Baby, in Edgar Wright’s blockbuster, Baby Driver and will reprise the role in the upcoming Baby Driver 2.
In addition to CJ’s many breakthrough roles in broadcast and streaming series and commercials, are his many accomplishments as a producer, director, and writer, including short films, co-writing and directing several episodes of the award-winning fairy tales series Once Upon A Sign, and creating and producing the International Sign Language Theater Festival.
A leading advocate and champion for the inclusion and representation of people with disabilities at all levels in all forms of media, CJ is an in-demand speaker and frequent panelist at industry events in Hollywood and around the world. His many talks in forums from TedX to Gallaudet’s 2021 Commencement Address, where he will be the recipient of an Honorary Degree, can be seen on YouTube.
CJ was born in St. Louis, MO, one of seven hearing children born to Deaf parents who communicate in American Sign Language. At age 7, he contracted spinal meningitis and consequently lost his hearing. Possessing a zest for life and commitment to giving, CJ’s dedication to the betterment of the Deaf Community grew into a passion. Armed with an indomitable spirit and abundant talent, his warmth, energy, and optimism excite everyone he meets.
It is with this combination of support and perseverance that CJ launched Sign World Studios, a Hollywood-based production company creating entertaining content for all, conceived by deaf talent, and brought to life by inclusive and diverse teams of deaf and hearing professionals.