Sorry, registrations are no longer available for SAG Awards Viewing Party
When: Sunday, January 19
Red Carpet 4-5 p.m.
Awards Show 5-7 p.m.
Dress: Casual
Questions? Contact LAviewingparty@sagaftra.org
RSVP: Registration opens 10 a.m., Monday, January 6. Reservations are required. Please complete form below to RSVP. Please note that you must be logged in to RSVP.
Seeing this on your app? Please click here to log into the website and RSVP.
This event is only open to paid-up SAG-AFTRA members in good standing. Parents/guardians of performers under 18 years old are welcome. SAG-AFTRA members, please bring your membership card or digital card from the app (paid through April 30, 2020) for admittance.