Innovation & the Pandemic: What's Next for Essential Workers?

A discussion focusing on the experiences and lessons learned in key sectors including education, healthcare and retail grocery, how innovation and the pandemic have changed work and impacted frontline employees, and how some shifts–should they become normalized post-COVID–may present long term challenges for work, workers and services that are critical to all of us.

Moderator: Ryan Heath

Panelists: Bonnie Castillo, Mark Perrone, Liz Shuler, Randi Weingarten

Centering Unions in the Future of Work

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler delivers a presentation on the technological change that is happening all around us. Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics and automation, the Internet of Things and more are impacting the workplace in every sector of the economy. 


Instead of diminishing the quality of jobs, crushing worker voice and worsening wage and wealth inequality, the AFL-CIO sees technological evolution as an opportunity for unions to be at the center of a future filled with good jobs and new worker power.

From Gaming to Dubbing: What's Hot in VO

We’ll discuss the shift to working from home, organizing from home and how games and streaming have been a source of comfort during the pandemic. Our guests will also delve into how and why VO performers who have traditionally worked in video games and animation have found new opportunities in dubbing due to organizing efforts and the 2019 Netflix Agreement.

Moderator: David Errigo, Jr.

Panelists: Sarah Elmaleh & Xander Mobus

Volumetric Video and the Future of Entertainment

Technology is changing the entertainment landscape at a rapid pace, with holograms and digital humans more prevalent than ever. In this discussion, we’ll explore how volumetric video technology is being used today and possible future use cases; how it can enable performers to secure more earnings and continued work; and the ethics and legalities surrounding use of digital name and likenesses.

Streaming & The Changing Business Model

The expansion of the streaming audience due to the pandemic simply accelerated a trend in the making: Jeffrey Cole, Director of the Center for the Digital Future at USC observed that the last Emmy Awards nominees featured all streaming content followed, soon after, by the launch of Disney’s streaming service which has now gone global. Cole and National Executive Director David White will grapple with the central question: What does the future of streaming hold for the aspirations of talent?

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