Covering the Story of Race

This year has been like no other. From the global coronavirus pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement to protests following the killing of George Floyd, the news media has played a critical role in shaping how we understand these stories. However, these crises have also exposed challenges in newsrooms themselves, including a lack of racial diversity in newsrooms and inclusive editorial assignments that could help tell these stories more effectively.

2020 Holiday Celebration Contributions

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Native American Storytellers: A Legacy & Future (Replay)

Grab a seat and tune-in as we shine a light on the need for greater humanization in the crafting of genuine and authentic stories of Native Americans. We’ll delve into some of the ways that Native actors and storytellers have been part of the fabric of the American scene since its inception and look at how today’s narrative has yet to be a true reflection of the culture in today’s programming.


Filming from Home for a Netflix Pandemic Anthology

Want to know what it’s like to film yourself as well as manage the set, wardrobe, make-up, lighting, art direction AND catering during a dramedy during isolation? Join SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris with Actors Dylan and Becky Ann Baker for an insightful conversation on how this husband and wife team successfully filmed “Humane Animal Trap,” an episode of Netflix’s pandemic anthology series, "Social Distance" ( 

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