
Preliminary Information

Interim Signatory Application

Preliminary Information Form - 2020 IMA EXT & Localization Agreements

This preliminary information form begins the SAG-AFTRA signatory process for interactive/video game producers signing to the 2020 Interactive Media Agreement EXT or Localization Agreement.

Fillable Document

Signatory Application Form - Tiered Budget Independent Agreements

This signatory application form begins the SAG-AFTRA signatory process for interactive/video game producers signing to the Tiered Budget Independent Interactive Agreements.

IMA Cast Clearance Form

This form is submitted to SAG-AFTRA Membership Department to confirm the membership status of performers.

Fillable Document

Production form

Taft-Hartley Report - Principals

This form is used by producers when principal actors are engaged that are not SAG-AFTRA members.

Fillable Document

Taft-Hartley Report - Background

This form is used by producers when background actors are engaged that are not SAG-AFTRA members.

Sample PDF

Member Report for Interactive Media Agreement and Localization Agreement

The SAG-AFTRA Interactive Member Report can be used when engaging multiple performers (singers, dancers, etc.) and acts as both a contract and timecard for projects signed to the Interactive Media Agreement or Localization Agreement.

Fillable Document

Performer Contract for Interactive Media Agreement and Localization Agreement

The SAG-AFTRA Interactive Performer Contract is used when engaging Performers in an interactive production signed to the Interactive Media Agreement or Localization Agreement.

Sample PDF

Exhibit G Timesheet

This is the time sheet where performers' hours are logged and the performers sign at the end of each day.

Sample PDF

Performer Contract for Tiered-Budget Interactive Agreements

The SAG-AFTRA Interactive Performer Contract for Independent Interactive Agreements is used when engaging Performers in an interactive production signed to a Tiered Budget Agreement and acts as both a contract and timecard.

Sample PDF

SAG-AFTRA Health Plan Contribution Remittance Report

This form is completed by the producer and submitted with performer and background actor contributions to SAG-AFTRA Health and Retirement Funds.

Accident Report

This must be filled out whenever a performer is injured on set.

Fillable Document

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