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Select your production for a step-by-step signatory tutorial.

New Agreement!

The new Short Project Agreement allows the creator more flexibility with distribution.
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Begin the SAG-AFTRA signatory process by filling out a Preliminary Information Form.

Producers can now answer questions online to begin the signatory process. Upon submission of the Preliminary Information Form, you will be contacted by a SAG-AFTRA representative to complete the process. You should not commence performer travel, rehearsals (including table reads), or principal photography of any kind until you become signatory to one of the SAG-AFTRA Agreements and your project is granted clearance by a SAG-AFTRA business representative.

The online clearance process is provided for casting professionals to ensure that performers being employed under the union’s collective bargaining agreements are in good standing with the union. Please note that only SAG-AFTRA and legacy SAG productions can currently be cleared online. If you would like access to online cast clearance, please register by calling:

  • Los Angeles – (323) 549-6794 (Hours: 9AM – 5PM PT)
  • New York – (212) 827-1418 (Hours: 9:30AM – 5:30PM ET)

NOTE: We are currently working to improve the online cast clearance process and will roll this out soon.

To clear talent in Los Angeles call 323.549.6794 for principal performers or fax to 323.549.6792. For background performers fax to 323.549.6793. To clear talent in New York please fax principal and background performers to 212.768.9154. Or you may call your local office for assistance.


If you are a casting professional who does not yet have an iActor account for Station 12 online cast clearance, please download, complete and return the iActor ACCESS REQUEST FORM:

iActor Casting Access Request Form

For questions and technical assistance, please contact our Member Contact Center department Webhelp or call toll free (855) 724-2387.

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