The SAG-AFTRA Radio Plays Committee broke from its regularly scheduled radio play revivals and began 2019 with a comprehensive presentation on podcasts co-hosted by the NextGen Performers Subcommittee at SAG-AFTRA Plaza on Feb. 12. A popular type of new media platform, podcasts have continued to grow
rapidly since frst gaining traction in the early 2000s. Committee members discussed a wide range of topics about the medium, including a concise history, concept development, production and best marketing practices. Often formatted as talk-show-style shows, podcasts are episodic, available for subscription and often free, making them the perfect forum for any topic or genre. Panelists explained that the frst step to creating a podcast is choosing a concept. They suggested starting with a broad topic such as sports, then honing in on a specific perspective such as SoCal all-stars in order to make the show unique and present audiences with something new. It is important to consider who your target audience is and listen to similar podcasts and competitors for research.
Once ready to begin production, inexpensive and free programs such as GarageBand, Twisted Wave, Reaper and Audacity can be used to record and produce audio fles, which makes creating professional-quality podcasts fun and low cost. Panelists recommended investing in additional gear such as microphones, pop flters and headphones, which can all be purchased for under $200 and ensure a professional sound. The committee also reminded attendees that the SAG-AFTRA L.A. Conservatory and SAG-AFTRA Foundation offer members free classes and resources for recording projects and self-taping.
Additionally, the union makes it easy to get your show produced under the podcast agreement through the same steps as you would for any new media project. To expedite the process, you can contact the New Media Department’s podcast representatives at NMPodcasts@sagaftra.org.
Photo: The SAG-AFTRA Radio Plays committee in conjunction with the NextGen Performers Subcommittee walked SAG-AFTRA members through what it takes to create a podcast. The panel took place at SAG-AFTRA Plaza on Feb. 12
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