Conrad Palmisano headshot

Stunt performer, director and former SAG-AFTRA National Board member Conrad Palmisano passed away Jan. 10 at the age of 75. As a stunt performer and second-unit director, Palmisano worked on numerous productions throughout his multi-decade career, including Weekend at Bernie’s, two of the Rush Hour films, Batman Forever, Robocop 2 and 3, and many others, as well as a substantial number of television and streaming shows.   

Born in Santa Rosa, California, in 1948, Palmisano served in the Marine Corps before launching his career in the entertainment industry. He joined SAG in 1970 and AFTRA in 1975.

He was president of the Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures for four terms and was among the first stunt coordinators invited into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

A dedicated union leader, Palmisano was a member of the Screen Actors Guild National Board prior to the SAG and AFTRA merger, and in 2014, he served a one-year term on the SAG-AFTRA National Board. He also served on the Los Angeles Local Board and numerous committees, including the National Stunt & Safety and National Military Personnel and Families Support committees.


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