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COVID-19 Safety Tips

While it is the responsibility of the employer to maintain a safe working environment for you, personal care can also help in keeping everyone safe during this time of abundant caution.

General Tips for Members

  • Practice social distancing – keep six feet away from people to the extent possible.
  • Respectfully refrain from shaking hands or hugging anyone.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with the elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue away after using.
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (60% alcohol or higher) if you are not able to access a sink for handwashing.
  • Bring wipes for your workspace, door handle and/or frequently touched spots.
  • If possible, bring rubber gloves (for door handles, other surfaces) and throw them away after use, and hand sanitize after use.
  • Keep rubber gloves, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer in your car or bag.
  • Carry your own pen or pencil.
  • When possible, try to fill out forms on personal devices and email forms to avoid exchanging paper with multiple people.
  • During breaks, take a moment to wash your hands. In fact, plan to wash your hands hourly (with soap and water for 20 seconds) and more, if needed. 
  • Don’t gather in large groups.

Tips for Singers and Recording Artists

  • If you are sick, do not go into work and follow CDC guidelines to self-quarantine and seek appropriate medical attention.
  • If you have a home studio, talk to your employer about conducting the recording session remotely.
  • Use disinfecting towelettes to wipe down studio equipment before and after use.
  • Use disposable covers to protect mics or boom mics to avoid touching. 
  • Ask the engineer or staff if you can use your own headphones.
  • Regularly wipe down cell phones, iPads, and computers.
  • Communicate honestly with the employer or contractor if you are uncomfortable going into the studio.
  • Hand sanitize regularly, in addition to diligent hand washing.
  • Do your best to refrain from touching anything without hand sanitizing before and after. This includes mics, instruments, lounge tables, refrigerator handles, door handles, headphones, amps, cables, cases, gear bags, pedals, pens (bring your own), paperwork, paper clips, etc. in the recording or television studio, on stage or in vehicles to and from the job.
  • Take this time to fine-tune your home studio and let all of your clients know that you are prepared to sing remotely and send files back-and-forth.
  • Make time to have an online or phone gathering with family and friends. Check up on others who may be alone. Emotional health is important!
  • If requested to do an interview or attend a promotional event, you must make arrangements to conform with social distancing rules or participate in the activity remotely. 
  • Get your own food and water. Social distance from others while dining.
  • Bring your own makeup, brushes or sponges, especially eye and lip makeup.
  • If you are self-quarantined or are in a heightened risk group, you do not need to disclose any personal health information. If you would like assistance communicating with your employer, please contact the Music Department at (323) 549-6864. 
  • Touring artists should bring their own microphone where possible. Sanitize it daily even if you use a foam windscreen.
  • Include provisions in your tech and backstage riders for all crew people to at least hand sanitize before touching mics and other stage gear. 
  • Before and after shows, if you normally interface with fans, refrain from touching them (handshakes, hugs, etc.). Explain it from the stage if you feel it is necessary. Remember – six feet apart!
  • Do not allow fans to touch merchandise, if possible. Designate a single CD, book, T-shirt, etc. as a “store sample” and clean/disinfect it before and after each show. Do the same thing with paper mailing lists and pens.
  • Wear gloves when handling cash and credit cards. Use contactless payment methods when possible.
  • Do not re-wear stage clothing from night to night without first washing the item, preferably in hot water. If it cannot be washed, spray it with a disinfectant spray.

Tips for Recording Studios, Audio Houses, Television Studios

  • Have handwashing stations, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting towelettes readily available.
  • Make sure performers know they have a choice of whether they feel safe to come into the studio. Please be accommodating to rescheduling sessions. 
  • Common areas in facilities should be cleaned/sanitized regularly (e.g., light switches, surfaces, doorknobs, phones, water dispensers, coffee machines, cabinet handles, refrigerator handles, microwave buttons, ventilation grills, chairs and arm/back rests, etc.). Studios should be cleaned/sanitized before and after each session, including the microphone, POP filters, music stands and any other equipment the performer will come in contact with.
  • Schedule only one performer per session to allow for recommended social distancing.
  • Use disposable covers to protect mics. Sanitize or replace POP filters between sessions.
  • Allow performers to use their own headphones.
  • Limit the number of people at a recording session by having those who need to observe the session call in remotely.
  • Limit sharing of equipment as much as possible. Shared equipment should be disinfected after each use.
  • Use disinfecting towelettes to wipe down equipment before and after use. 
  • Offer to wipe down the equipment in the presence of the performer to reassure them of what has been cleaned before the work. 
  • Engineers, second engineers and tape ops should use rubber gloves whenever possible when setting up the room, moving mics, booms, music stands, chairs, gobo’s, and resetting channels and outboard gear, and should dispose of them frequently.

For additional personal protective precautions and recommendations for community preparedness, visit the CDC website here.


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