Did you Resign? Are You Financial Core?

Members who resigned before June 13 will be given the opportunity to apply for reinstatement under the previous reinstatement process.

Applications for reinstatement under that process must be received by Screen Actors Guild no later than December 31, 2007.

For further details please read the full announcement below or call (323) 549-6019.

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Screen Actors Guild To Strictly Enforce New Reinstatement Rules For Members Who Resign

Los Angeles (June 13, 2007)—Screen Actors Guild today announced that its National Board of Directors approved new procedures and policies governing reinstatement of membership for actors who choose to resign from Screen Actors Guild.

Effective June 14, 2007, the policy of Screen Actors Guild is that resigning union membership is a permanent decision. In accordance with Article IV of the Screen Actors Guild Constitution, members who resign are not eligible for reinstatement to the Guild, however such persons may petition for a waiver of this policy. The reinstatement candidate seeking a waiver of this policy is required to schedule an appearance before the Disciplinary Review Committee and present a petition for reinstatement. The petition for reinstatement must include a list of all non-union work done during the period of time between resignation and reinstatement.

“Individuals who make the choice to quit their union cannot expect to be allowed back in without the union asking some questions about why they quit and what sort of work they were doing.” Screen Actors Guild Director of Organizing Todd Amorde said. “Making the decision to resign affects not just the member who resigns, but our entire union membership and our collective ability to enforce existing contracts and to organize more SAG covered work. We are dedicated to creating more union work opportunities, and it takes a strong and involved membership to keep us in a position to do that.”

“There’s a lot of misinformation out there and the Guild is re-asserting its position as the authority on union membership,” Amorde said. “Union membership is between the member and their union, not their agents, not casting directors and certainly not employers. Screen Actors Guild membership offers opportunities and resources that many members are not aware of, so we urge anyone considering resignation, for whatever reasons, to call the union first. We’re here to give you straight answers and discuss your options.”

Members who resigned before this announcement will be given the opportunity to apply for reinstatement under the previous reinstatement process. Applications for reinstatement under that process must be received by Screen Actors Guild no later than December 31, 2007.

This change will apply only to those individuals who have resigned from the union, not to those whose membership was terminated because of failure to pay dues. It also does not apply to members on Honorable Withdrawal or Suspended Payment status.


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