Screen Actors Guild stands in solidarity with its members who will appear on the Dateline Golden Globes special this Sunday. SAG members have remained loyal to their union and have refused to cross WGA picket lines when not contractually obligated to work, and have walked many picket lines. SAG television and motion picture stars have publicly expressed their steadfast support for striking writers since the strike began in November.

Many actors accepted and taped interviews for Dateline prior to the NBC announcement as to how and when the program would be broadcast—and DID NOT cross WGA picket lines to conduct these interviews, as Dateline is not a WGA struck production.

It’s our understanding that no Golden Globe actor nominees have been invited, and that none will appear at the NBC "press conference" substitute programming announcing Golden Globe award recipients.

We applaud our members for their continued union solidarity, and we salute each of the Golden Globes actor nominees for the remarkable performances for which they have been nominated.


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