With the successful launch of the Screenplay Reading Series, the San Francisco–Northern California Local Conservatory Committee is excited to announce the schedule for the remainder of the year. All table reads will begin at 6 p.m. at the SF-NC Local office in downtown San Francisco, located at 350 Sansome, Suite 840.
March 3: Mother Lies by Kitty Edwinson
April 7: Colma by Peter K. Owen
May 5: Desert Star News by Robert Haus
June 2: Rose Girl by Holly Payne
July 14: Cali vs. Oceanlight by Mac Malabuyo
Sept. 8: The It, The I, and the Over I by Samuel Ademola
Oct. 27: Ain't No Grave by Benjamin Mulholland
Nov. 3: Yesterday's Sky by C. Abeydeera
Casting is now open for the table read, Mother Lies, scheduled for Monday, March 3.
As with all Conservatory programming, participation is open exclusively to members in good standing. If space is limited, members who have not participated in a Conservatory program in the last three months will be given priority.
You may submit to perform at the table read or join us in the audience.
- To be considered as a performer: Please follow instructions on the casting notice here.
- To attend as audience: Please email sf@sagaftra.org. If you have also submitted for casting, please wait to RSVP until AFTER casting choices have been made.
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