The Guild’s free, searchable online casting directory is open for resume submissions and will launch to the industry in spring 2007.

Los Angeles (February 13, 2007)--Screen Actors Guild today announced the member launch of iActor, its free online casting directory. All active, paid-up Guild members can now upload their headshots, resumes, video clips and audio clips to create individual iActor profiles that will be searchable by casting professionals when the site launches to the industry this spring.

“I am very proud that members and staff have made this goal a reality,” said Guild President Alan Rosenberg. “For casting directors and producers to be able to access Screen Actors Guild members no matter where they live, for union jobs--it just doesn’t get any better than that.”

“As Screen Actors Guild members and actors, we need every advantage we can get,” said Robert David Hall, star of CSI and chair of the Guild’s iActor Task Force. “I believe iActor can become a real benefit for actors. It will become as strong as we make it, so member participation is crucial.”

iActor exclusively features Screen Actors Guild members--providing a convenient tool for Guild members and casting directors alike. Launching to the industry in spring 2007, iActor will allow casting professionals to search the database in order to cast SAG members.

“This is the only casting database consisting exclusively of Screen Actors Guild professional actors,” said the Guild’s Director of Online Casting, Steve Graham. “It incorporates our skills and talents database, which is searchable by gender, physical characteristics, skills, talents, credits, etc. Not only that--it includes innovative features that allow casting directors to manage that information.”

Guild members: Create your resume now by logging in to this Web site then clicking the My Resume button on the Career Toolbar.


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