Los Angeles (February 27, 2006) – Screen Actors Guild President Alan Rosenberg issued the following statement today regarding the death of former Guild President Dennis Weaver.

“The years that Dennis Weaver served his fellow members as president of Screen Actors Guild were particularly challenging times for actors and our union. He not only rose to the challenge, he became a beloved leader for our Guild – a man known for being approachable, unbiased, nonpartisan, always willing to listen, and eminently fair. He believed his mission was to do his best for his fellow performers. He did so with humor, honesty and a genuine openness to opposing views that makes him an example for us all to follow.

“He gave of himself in so many other ways, too – most notably, as a renowned environmental activist and combatant of world hunger. But what should not be forgotten among his long list of accomplishments was his brilliant acting career. On Gunsmoke, McCloud and in countless film roles, he created characters that generations will fondly remember.

“Whether performing as one of our great artists, leading his union, or speaking before the United Nations or U.S. Congress in advocacy of issues he held dear, Dennis Weaver lived a truly remarkable life of service to so many others. He will be missed.”


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