Austin Actors Conservatory presents Script2Screen 2019
With a goal to provide work opportunities for SAG-AFTRA members living and working in Texas, the Script2Screen series is a live reading by professional actors of unproduced screenplays before an industry audience. Script2Screen is committed to helping professional writers present their work to potential investors and providing a level of talent that can help facilitate casting.
How does it work? Scripts are accepted by the Austin Script2Screen Reading Committee for consideration. A screenplay is then chosen for presentation using a variety of criteria:
- Is the script producible in a live situation (cast size, special effects, etc.)?
- Does the script have a variety of character ages and ethnicities?
- Could the script be produced in Texas?
Deadline for script submissions is 5 p.m. CT, Monday, April 15.
We invite you to submit your unproduced, feature-length screenplay today!
Submission instructions: Please email scripts to AustinRSVP@sagaftra.org with subject line Austin S2S Live Read 2019.
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