Oftentimes, during the course of the Legislature's work in Tallahassee, state programs are scrutinized. Earlier this week, the Florida House of Representatives filed HB 5, which would, among other things, close the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment (the State Film Commission) and eliminate the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption program, which would effectively represent a tax increase on our industry.

As a strong supporter of the film, television and digital media production industry in Florida, we need your help!

SAG-AFTRA’s Miami Local, through non-profit organization Film Florida, is collecting letters that will be hand delivered to Senate President Kathleen Passidomo asking her to OPPOSE HB 5. President Passidomo has been a consistent supporter of our industry. We believe she is critical in staving off this attack on our industry and sending the message that Florida is open for business and remains interested in recruiting films, television shows and other forms of production by ensuring the Florida Office of Film & Entertainment is preserved and the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program remains in effect.

By 12 p.m. ET on Monday, March 13, we need each of you to send us a short letter that we will gather and hand deliver to President Passidomo, demonstrating your support for preserving the sales tax exemption program and State Film Commission. Please send your letter as a Word or PDF attachment (on company letterhead, if applicable) to michael.viera@sagaftra.org. Please be sure to address your letter to President Passidomo (President Kathleen Passidomo, 409 The Capitol, 404 S. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100) and include your name, your company's name (if applicable), and your profession. It is paramount that you articulate the negative impact your livelihood would face if your taxes were raised as a result of the sales tax exemption going away and/or if the State Film Commission is closed.

Even if you have not used the sales tax exemption program or have not directly benefited from the State Film Commission, the Senator still needs to hear from you. Performers are an important and integral part of the entertainment industry here in Florida. If you do not work directly in the industry, it's important that the Senator hear from you as well.

When finished, please send your letter to michael.viera@sagaftra.org.

Thank you.

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