August 24, 2006

Below are his comments:

Thank you all for coming today. I am proud to be here, standing in solidarity for these amazing workers who are not afraid to fight to be represented by a union. In these anti-union times, this group of hard-working janitors decided they have had enough!

Enough of long days without meal breaks…enough exposure to toxic chemicals…enough of being denied overtime…and enough of making poverty-level wages. SEIU is here for them, and so are we.

The entertainment unions here today don’t have a contract dispute with NBC…but you do, and we want NBC to know…these janitor’s problems are our problems too. Using non-union sub-contractors does not excuse you from the deplorable treatment of these workers. These are the people who work tirelessly in your facilities, under disgraceful conditions, to make the environment clean and comfortable for your employees and guests.

So on behalf of the 120,000 proud members of Screen Actors Guild, I urge you NBC to do the right thing, like your counterparts have at other studios, and let these brave janitors have a union contract!

We are here today, and we’ll keep coming back. Thank you all for your solidarity.


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