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Today is the PRO Act Day of Action

We’re flooding the Senate phone lines with support for the PRO Act. Working people of America have waited long enough for labor laws that protect our right to form and join unions.

One of my favorite slogans has always been, “Enjoying your weekend? Thank the labor movement.”

The work and influence of the entire labor movement, which lobbies hard for relief for regular folks, improves all our lives. So, today is your chance to help build the power of working people and to ensure fair labor laws — with just one phone call to your senator to say you support the PRO Act.

Our labor laws are outdated and no longer protect our right to form and join unions. The PRO Act is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. The PRO Act will:

  • Hold corporations accountable for union-busting.
  • Protect and empower workers’ ability to form and join unions, including in new industries like Big Tech.
  • Repeal the so-called “right-to-work” laws that only lower wages and benefits for workers.

Stronger unions mean higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work.

We made this super easy to do: Just use this link, and it will connect you with your senator!

Strength in unity,

Gabrielle Carteris
SAG-AFTRA President

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