1. Broadcast commercial used on cable networks:
Cable residuals are based on the total units (up to a maximum of 3000 units) for all cable networks on which the commercial airs during a 13-week cycle. A unit value is assigned to each network based on the number of subscribers. Depending on the number of units, the payment to an on-camera performer will range from a minimum amount of $671.69 (session fee) to a maximum amount of $3,906.00. (Group performers and voice-overs are paid under a similar formula with lower rates.) Session fees and holding fees may not be credited against cable use.
2. Cable-only commercial:
When a commercial is produced only for cable use, the formula described in Paragraph 1 above is used to calculate residuals. In cable-only commercials, holding fees are paid and a performer is held exclusive to the product. Holding fees may not be credited against cable use. A performer must be advised at the time of audition and/or booking that a commercial is for cable-only. The maximum period of use for a cable-only commercial is limited to one year. The producer must contact the performer and negotiate for any extended use periods.