It reads "Working Families' Parade" in green lettering on a white square with shamrocks in the background.
Mar 15, 2025 - 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM CDT

This event will be held in person.

Where: 5329 S Oak Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60638

SAG-AFTRA Chicago will participating in the Working Families' Parade alongside the Chicago Federation of Labor!  This is parade take place on Chicago's Southside; the parade begins at Byrne Elementary School and heads east on Archer Ave to Kennedy High School. The parade route is 1 mile long.  Marchers should be prepared for cold weather - wear your SAG-AFTRA gear and represent our union as a part of the big day!  

Corned beef and turkey sandwiches and St. Patrick’s Day swag will be provided for all participants!

RSVP: Reservations are required. Please complete the form below to RSVP; you must be logged in to RSVP. 

Parents/guardians of performers under 18 years old are welcome.


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