Los Angeles (November 14, 2006) --- The AFL-CIO elected Screen Actors Guild (SAG) President Alan Rosenberg to its Executive Council today in Washington D.C. Rosenberg, whose term will run until the summer of 2007, fills a seat vacated by former Guild President Melissa Gilbert, who had served on the federation's council for five years before stepping down-and recommending Rosenberg for the position. Rosenberg will concentrate on issues that affect the Guild and the Associated Actors and Artistes of America (4A's).

"As a young boy, I was inspired by the creation of the AFL-CIO and its mission to expand and protect the rights of workers and their families," Rosenberg said. "I am honored and moved to have been elected to the federation and its Executive Council, and for the opportunity it provides to fight for the 120,000 members of Screen Actors Guild and all the members of the 4As."

Gilbert said: "By electing Alan Rosenberg to this influential post, the AFL-CIO and John Sweeney have indicated that they appreciate the incredible value of having the continued representation of Screen Actors Guild on their Executive Council. I am truly honored that I had the opportunity to fight on behalf of the professional performers of the Associated Actors and Artistes of America for the past five years. While I will miss serving on the council, I know I leave it in capable hands. Alan Rosenberg is an excellent choice, and all Screen Actors Guild members should be very pleased with this news."

The Executive Council is the AFL-CIO's governing body authorized to enforce provisions of the federation's Constitution. The council is comprised of three national officers and 51 vice presidents from various sectors of the labor community.

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said: "We are delighted to have the continued participation of the Screen Actors Guild and the 4A's on the AFL-CIO Executive Council and look forward to Alan Rosenberg's leadership at the highest levels of the AFL-CIO. It will be a real plus for all working families in this country."

Rosenberg, who was officially nominated by Sweeney, received broad support today from other entertainment affiliates in the AFL-CIO, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. In addition to Gilbert, who was in her second term before stepping down, current SAG Hollywood Division board member Sumi Haru has also represented the Guild on the Executive Council.


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