Announcing the SAG-AFTRA DFW Local Script to Screen Series

The SAG-AFTRA Dallas-Fort Worth Local is excited to announce our 2024 Script to Screen series. The live reading is scheduled to take place Sunday, October 13. The exact time and location TBD.

What is Script to Screen?
The Script to Screen series is a live read with professional actors of unproduced film or TV scripts before an industry audience. Our scripts are selected from submissions by professional writers interested in seeing their project come to life. They are rehearsed, directed, and performed by professionals before industry casting directors, producers, directors, and industry pros for one performance only.

Our Script to Screen series is committed to helping professional writers present their work to local industry professionals and providing a level of talent that can help facilitate casting. Our goal is to provide more work opportunities for industry professionals living in Texas. 

How Does it Work?
Scripts are accepted by our SAG-AFTRA DFW Local Script to Screen Reading Committee for consideration and a script is chosen for presentation. If you have a script you would like to submit for consideration, send it to:

Audition notices are sent a few weeks prior to a read and all SAG-AFTRA DFW and Houston-Austin Local members are invited to participate. Script to Screen team members are cast by the selected director/producer and one or two rehearsals are scheduled prior to the read.

Who Can Participate?
All members of the SAG-AFTRA DFW and Houston-Austin Locals are invited to participate and writers/producers in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are invited to submit scripts for consideration. All roles will be cast by current active members of the SAG-AFTRA DFW and Houston-Austin Locals.

Email us at: We will announce further details and more specifics soon. 


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