Virginia members: Urgent action needed today. Please write a brief comment to support the bill.

Thank you all for your calls and letters in support of Virginia House Bill 771 and the Lights, Camera, Jobs Act. On Monday, this bill received a positive hearing and was passed out of the subcommittee uncontested! 

Let’s keep up the great momentum. It will be heard TODAY by the House Finance Committee. We want to flood the written comments section with support for the bill! Please take a moment to write a brief comment on this website about HB771. As a reminder: All you need to do is identify yourself as a Virginia resident, that you work in the industry, and that you support the bill. 

Finally, if you have not already done so, please also be sure to reach out to your Delegate directly to let them know that you are a constituent and support the film incentives increase in HB771. You can find the contact information for your delegate here.

Thank you for your help! Your letters and support are very important!

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