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As part of SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing commitment to building a safer work environment for members performing in scenes involving nudity and simulated sex or other intimate scenes, a recommended two part program involving standards for qualification, training and vetting of Intimacy Coordinators has now been established.

As part of SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing commitment to building a safer work environment for members performing in scenes involving nudity and simulated sex or other intimate scenes, a recommended two-part program involving standards for qualification, training and vetting of intimacy coordinators has now been established

The purpose of these standards is to assure SAG-AFTRA members that when they are on set with an intimacy coordinator, they are being protected and advocated for by a qualified professional. Qualified intimacy coordinators will not only have been trained with tools to help keep actors and production safe but also will have completed the minimum amount of days and training to be considered a professional experienced enough to handle a variety of situations during intimate and hyper-exposed scenes.

SAG-AFTRA is taking steps to help highlight, strengthen, and unify the intimacy coordinator community so more of our members can have consistent and quality intimacy coordination should they choose to perform in intimate scenes.

The Standards for Qualifications, Training and Vetting of Intimacy Coordinators were created to:

  • Provide criteria for employers to identify qualified, experienced candidates for employment.
  • Initiate a system for review and vetting of candidates and pre-registrants, with an added component of continuing education.
  • Establish training standards to help potential intimacy coordinator trainees identify high-quality training programs accurately reflecting the work successfully being accomplished in the industry.
  • Safely expand the number of experienced professionals to serve in this role nationwide.

The Recommended Standards: 

  1. A registry system for recognizing qualified and experienced intimacy coordinators, as well as a pre-registry list of intimacy coordinators entering the field
  2. A SAG-AFTRA intimacy coordinator conference every year for pre-registry and registry participants to meet continuing education requirements.
  3. An accreditation system for intimacy coordinator training programs that includes commitment to ensuring equity and inclusion for all applicants.
  4. Creation of an advisory group to oversee the implementation of these standards.


Accreditation System

The SAG-AFTRA Intimacy Coordinator Accreditation Program encourages and promotes the highest standard of training for the field of intimacy coordination. This program will allow intimacy coordinator training programs to receive recognition from SAG-AFTRA and allows interested candidates and employers to identify qualified training programs. The accreditation program is not intended to imply an endorsement of any individual or company by SAG-AFTRA but rather only to confirm that the minimum training standards for the program have been and continue to be met. Once accredited, a biennial review of the organizations will be conducted to ensure continued compliance with the accreditation program.

Qualifications for SAG-AFTRA Accreditation

  1. Curriculum Requirements

    a. The program must meet the SAG-AFTRA minimum requirements for intimacy coordinator training.

    b. The program must provide at least 75 hours of training (instruction/classroom hours) for program participants.

    c. A syllabus and explanation of the training structure must also be submitted for review. 
  2. Trainer Experience

    a. Lead trainer must have advanced work experience as an intimacy coordinator with proof of work experience at a minimum number of 200 days in the role on a SAG-AFTRA production.

    b. Program may bring in guest lecturers/instructors, but the lead trainer must teach at least 60% of the program themself.
  3. Equity & Inclusion Training Initiative

    a. The program must prove proof of commitment to fostering diversity in the field of intimacy coordination through a letter of intent outlining current initiatives, strategies for engaging and retaining professionals of diverse background and experience, and reporting results of initiatives.

    b. Demonstrated goals or action plans that provide training opportunities for groups including but not limited to people people of color, LGBTQ+, seniors, veterans and individuals with disabilities in three or more of the following areas:

    i.Outreach & recruiting
    ii. Mentorship and professional growth
    iii.Affinity learning spaces
    iv.Reserved seating
    vi.Accessible spaces & accommodations (ADA).


Timeline for Accreditation Program Implementation

SAG-AFTRA is now accepting submission for intimacy coordinator training program accreditation on an ongoing basis. 

Documentation should be submitted to


Documentation for consideration may be submitted to


Registry System

The SAG-AFTRA registry system of experienced Intimacy Coordinators will serve as a resource for employers while maintaining the integrity of the position and safely create a system for entry into the field. The registry system is intended to only serve as a resource for employers and  Producers are not required to hire from this list.

Qualifications for Registry Inclusion

  1. Proof of Work Experience - Minimum Days* 
    Due to the pandemic and its impact on production in 2020 and 2021, a limited number of combined workdays (preproduction, on-set and post-production days) as an intimacy coordinator on a SAG-AFTRA production will be required for the first year of implementation of the registry and be increased in subsequent years beginning in
    August 2021 – 60 days
    2022 – 75 days
    2023 – 100 days

    *Paystubs or a call sheet with name listed will qualify. If paystubs or call sheets are unavailable, a letter from the employer verifying the number of days of employment will also qualify.
  2. Proof of Training - Minimum Areas of Training & Union Contracts

    a. Proof of training in the following areas within the last five (5) years*:
    • Consent training.
    • Anti-harassment/anti-sexual harassment training.
    • Movement coaching and masking techniques.
    • Proper use of modesty garments and barriers.
    • Mediation or conflict resolution training.
    • Gender identity & sexual orientation training.
    • Anti-Racist/EDI training.
    • Bystander intervention.
    • Mental Health First Aid, Trauma Stewardship, or related training

      *Certificate of completion, confirmation email or receipt for online courses, workshops, seminars, SAG-AFTRA intimacy coordinator accredited and non-accredited intimacy coordinator programs will qualify.

    b. Proof of attendance at a SAG-AFTRA intimacy coordinator conference (at least once every year beginning in 2021 to meet continuing education requirements). Sessions to include but not limited to people information on community practices, industry safety, and union contracts (including other entertainment unions and guilds). Eligibility for attendance to the conference requires proof of minimum areas of training and proof of work experience - 25 minimum days.
  3. Permission to Authorize Background Check
    a. An independent third party vendor will conduct a background check in the following areas:
    • social security number verification.
    • address verification.
    • 13-year federal, state and country criminal record check.
    • Sex offender lists.

Pre-Registry List Qualifications

A pre-registry list will also be established for candidates who do not yet meet the proof of work experience requirements but have met the proof of training requirements (2.a. and 2.b.), provided permission to authorize a background check, and have proof of a minimum of 25 days of work experience. Submissions to the preapplicant list will be accepted at any time. Pre-applicants will be added to the registry as soon they provide proof that they have met the work experience requirement.

Timeline for Registry and Pre-Registry Implementation

SAG-AFTRA is now accepting submission for the intimacy coordinator registry on an ongoing basis.

Documentation should be submitted to

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Standards for Qualifications, Training & Vetting of Intimacy Coordinators

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