The National Board has created a new rule that allows disciplinary action against members who fail to follow safety protocols.
The union has received reports of certain members who have not followed required safety protocols at work. This endangers everyone with whom they come into contact with on a set. If the virus makes its way to a set, it threatens to shut down an entire production and put all those involved out of work at a time when we can least afford it. That’s why the National Board on Dec. 14 created a new rule that allows disciplinary action against members who fail to follow protocols.
SAG-AFTRA and our sister unions led the effort to create science-based protocols to allow members to get back to work while minimizing risk. Whether on the set, in the newsroom or in any other workplace, we expect our employers to have protections in place to minimize transmission of the disease, and we have to do our part as well — both at work and during off hours.
It is encouraging that production is resuming; whether that can continue depends on all of us.
We know this has been a difficult year. While the roll-out of the vaccine is great news that the end is in sight, now is no time to let down our guard. Please continue to wear a mask and remain socially distanced to protect yourself and others.
You can read the full text of the new Rule 2 here.
Be well and stay safe,
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