Thank you for helping to keep strong union jobs in New York!
As you know, the senate, assembly and governor are still negotiating the upcoming New York budget. We must keep the pressure on Albany to make sure our film and TV jobs are safe for many years to come.
Even if you have already done so, please do so again...
Text "NY JOBS" to 877877 to be connected to your state senator and assembly member. Let them both know we must have an extension to the New York State Film and Television Tax Credit in this year’s state budget. (Data and text message rates may apply.)
You will receive a text back asking for your name and address. Once you respond, you will be called back and connected to your senator's office. After that call, you will receive another text with information about contacting your assembly member. Please connect with them both!
New York production is booming because of the New York State Film and Television Tax Credit program. Without a five-year extension to the program, television pilots will not come to New York and current shows may relocate.
The New York State Film and Television Tax Credit program is vital to SAG-AFTRA jobs and has been since it began in 2004. The program means:
- Tens of thousands of jobs of union jobs.
- A 25 percent increase in earnings for SAG-AFTRA members alone.
- Billions of dollars in tax revenue for the state of New York.
- Exponential growth in production, with a record of 91 TV shows filmed in 2017.
Tell the governor and your state legislators the program must be extended for five years. Let them know that your job, and tens of thousands of other union jobs, rely on their vote to extend the New York Film and Television Tax Credit program. Be sure to let them know you are paying attention and that you vote!
Don't want to text? Use these links to find contact information for your representatives. Feel free to use the script below.
State Senator
State Assembly Member
Onward together,

Rebecca Damon
Hello. My name is _____ and I am a proud SAG-AFTRA member.
Thanks to the New York State Film Production Tax Credit Program, I have been able to work in New York and go home to my family at night. My union job provides my income and protects me and my family with strong health and pension benefits.
Please think of me and my family when you negotiate the state budget. This program is not just about my job, but tens of thousands of union jobs for taxpayers and voters across the state.
We are counting on your support to extend the credit until 2027.
Thank you.
[Give your address including zip code – offices tally calls from voters in their districts!]
Dear ___________________,
I am writing as your constituent and a proud SAG-AFTRA member.
Thanks to the New York State Film Production Tax Credit program, I have been able to work in New York and go home to my family at night. My union job provides my income and protects me and my family with strong health and pension benefits.
When the Film and Television Tax Credit program extensions come up for a vote in the legislature, please think of me and my family. This program is not just about my job, but about tens of thousands of union jobs for taxpayers and voters across the state.
We are counting on your support to extend the incentive until 2027.
[Name] ________________________
[Street Address] ________________________
[Zip Code] ________________________