Andrea Sikkink

Aloha Fellow Hawaii Local Members,

Mahalo for your support of our Hawaii Local and electing me as your president last summer. I am honored to serve and help our local to grow stronger in numbers and unity. It is always great to see and work with so many of you on the many sets and productions filming across our island state. It was also a pleasure to see so many of you at our recent annual Hawaii Local membership meeting on April 13.  

For the members I haven’t met in person (or on Zoom) yet, I have been honored to serve on our Hawaii Local Board and perform volunteer committee work for over a decade now. I am privileged to work with so many of you on our local committees and to represent you at our national SAG-AFTRA president meetings, Committee of Locals meetings, and to serve as an alternate on the National Board meetings when needed. I recently represented our local at an eight-hour-long National Board meeting, participating in important decision-making to work toward even better contracts and more benefits for all our union members.

Please make sure to read the recap of our Hawaii Local annual membership meeting and the National Board meeting news on the Hawaii Local page of the union’s website. Make sure to keep up with all the exciting news about our union, and our local, and consider getting more involved by volunteering. A special thank you to all who gave testimony in support of resolution SCR 140, which helps support more sustainable and green practices in our local film industry! Our National Board rep, Ian Cusick, shares more about this resolution in his National Board Report. So please read about that, and thank you again for all of you who submitted testimony in support!

Pupukahi I Holomua!
Unite to move forward!

Andrea “Andy” Sikkink


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