SAG-AFTA member and NPR host Sam Sanders, front row center takes a photo with attendees of his breakout session, “The Art of the Follow-Up: Perfecting Your Interview Style,” at the NABJLA Media Summit & Career Fair.

On Oct. 26, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists held its inaugural Media Summit & Career Fair at the University of Southern California’s School of Journalism. SAG-AFTRA was an event sponsor, and many Los Angeles-based broadcast members shared their firsthand experiences in the broadcast industry. In addition, many union broadcast members participated on panels throughout the day, including Christine Devine, Marc Brown, Beverly White, Toni Guinyard, Michael Brownless, Pat Harvey, Chris Schauble, Randy Mac and Sam Sanders. Earlier in the month, SAG-AFTRA presented its American Scene Awards' Belva Davis News & Broadcast Award to NPR, producers of Sanders' It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders.

The event was well received, with more than 400 students and journalists learning about print and digital journalism, as well as the nuances involved with on-air reporting.

Photo:  SAG-AFTA member and NPR host Sam Sanders, front row center takes a photo with attendees of his breakout session, The Art of the Follow-Up: Perfecting Your Interview Style, at the NABJLA Media Summit & Career Fair.

From left, SAG-AFTRA broadcasters Marc Brown, Christine Devine, Melvin Robert and Michael Brownlee.

Tre’vell Anderson, President, and Jarrett Hill, Vice President of the National Association of Black Journalist Los Angeles local give opening remarks at the NABJLA Media Summit & Career Fair.

Students show off their NABJLA swag in front of the SAG-AFTRA banner.


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