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The last annual membership meeting was held in June 2013. There was a great turnout, boasting the highest attendance we’ve seen in a few years. It was at this meeting that nominations were made for all positions available on the Colorado Local Board and for delegates to the inaugural SAG-AFTRA National Convention, held in Los Angeles the last week of September 2013.

The new board and convention delegates were seated in August 2013. We’d like to introduce you to the SAG-AFTRA members who volunteer their time so that you may continue to enjoy the protections and benefits of your union. This board is dedicated to serving the membership to the best of its ability.

Sheila Ivy Traister, President

Sheila Ivy Traister has proudly served the local market as a board member on both legacy SAG and AFTRA for the past 20 years. She was a delegate to the SAG-AFTRA National Convention in 2013 and an elected delegate to the last four AFTRA National Conventions.

She has served on dozens of local committees over the years, and currently serves on the Organizing, Co-Ed, W&W, Events (including SAG Awards and the Starz Denver Film Festival) and Agency Relations. 

Traister is a member of the SAG-AFTRA National Board and currently serves on the Asian Pacific American, Performers With Disabilities, Conservatory, Dancers and Equal Ethnic Opportunity committees.

Passionate about education and the arts, Traister created the acting department at the Colorado Film School in 1999. She conducts workshops and lectures for film students at universities throughout the local to educate them about SAG-AFTRA’s student film contracts, SAGindie and the benefits of union membership. 

Traister works in television, film and theater as an actor, director and writer, and is a highly sought-after coach and mentor for other actors, directors and writers. Sheila considers it a gift to be of service and is grateful for the opportunity and trust bestowed upon her by the members of her local and is honored to serve them.

Nancy Flanagan, Vice President

A member for more than 30 years, Nancy Flanagan served on the Colorado SAG council and AFTRA local board in many capacities, including secretary/treasurer and vice president of both. In the last millennium, Flanagan edited our local newsletter for seven years and was a regular contributor to both national publications.

She has served on many local committees, including W&W, Conservatory and Organizing; as well as the national Diversity and Women’s Committees and was a delegate to the SAG-AFTRA inaugural convention.

She acts, sings, directs and coaches throughout the region and has written children’s plays. For many years, she was a driving force behind the Denver Public Schools Shakespeare Festival. Flanagan thanks you for allowing her to continue to be of service.

Nita Froelich, Secretary

Nita Froelich became a member of Actors' Equity performing in summer stock throughout the Midwest and East Coast. She joined SAG and AFTRA upon moving to Colorado. In addition to commercial and voiceover work, she appeared on television series such as Father Dowling Mysteries, the Perry Mason specials and Unsolved Mysteries

Still active in the theatrical world, she is a mother of three grown children and three grandchildren, has a passion for genealogy and serves as a volunteer at the National Archives. She also works as a reservist with FEMA on various disasters.  

Froelich served on the Colorado Branch council of SAG, worked to merge SAG and AFTRA, and now serves as secretary for the Colorado Local Board.

SAG-AFTRA Colorado Local Board Members at Large

Denis Berkfeldt; Dulcie Camp; Shannon Dunn; Chaz Grundy; David Hartley-Margolin; Linda Lee; Randy Mack Wren

Watch for bios on these members in upcoming newsletters.


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