National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland Presents A.I. Report

The SAG-AFTRA National Board met over the weekend in a scheduled two-day plenary at the union’s headquarters at SAG-AFTRA Plaza.

The Board received multiple reports culminating in a presentation, A.I.: Advancing with Integrity — A Report on SAG-AFTRA’s Efforts on A.I. and Performers' Rights, presented by SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland.

Crabtree-Ireland walked Board members through the union’s A.I. strategy and many initiatives over the last several years, reporting through the lenses of collective bargaining, public policy and legislative efforts, member engagement and outreach, and strategic planning for the future of A.I. technology. SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President Linda Powell presided over the second day of the meeting and moderated the extensive discussion session with Board members.

President’s Report

On Saturday, SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher welcomed Board members back to the James Cagney Boardroom at SAG-AFTRA Plaza after five years of post-pandemic virtual convenings. Drescher opened her report with a tribute to those members who have passed away over the last quarter and updated the Board on a number of union initiatives.  

Drescher noted that California Governor Gavin Newsom chose SAG-AFTRA Plaza as the venue to sign into law two important A.I. bills the union championed through the legislature. Drescher noted, “I want to recognize the great work of Duncan Crabtree-Ireland and General Counsel Jeffrey Bennett for their hard work in driving A.I. protections for SAG-AFTRA performers and working people around the world.”

Drescher also discussed the union’s ongoing collaboration with IMDb, highlighting the new SAG-AFTRA badge feature that was recently launched to spotlight SAG-AFTRA members on the platform.

Drescher reported on Green Council efforts to unite all parts of the entertainment industry to champion eco-responsible living and to normalize this on screen and behind the scenes.

The goal, Drescher noted, is “utilizing our industry not just as entertainment, but also to elevate consciousness around the globe in the interest of our own survival.” 

National Executive Director’s Report

Crabtree-Ireland kicked off his report by noting how special and meaningful it is for the Board and staff to be back together for their first in-person meeting in almost five years. 

He reported on the ongoing Interactive Media Agreement (Video Game) Strike, which has been in effect since July 26, noting the extraordinary work of the Interactive Media Agreement Negotiating Committee. 

Crabtree-Ireland highlighted that more than 100 games have signed either SAG-AFTRA’s Interim or Tiered-Budget Interactive Media Agreement, including AAA game company Lightspeed L.A., which is a subsidiary of massive Chinese game company, Tencent. 

“We are isolating the companies who are refusing to do the right thing with regard to A.I. protections and it’s working,” said Crabtree-Ireland. “We’re heading back to the table with the video game studios’ bargaining group this week.” 

Crabtree-Ireland discussed the recent news of the union organizing intimacy coordinators, noting this is the culmination of a years-long effort to grow the profession and ensure there are enough trained professional intimacy coordinators to meet the growing needs of the industry as well as the requirements negotiated for last year in our TV/Theatrical Contracts on the use of intimacy coordinators. 

Looking ahead to the 2025 Commercials Contracts negotiations, Crabtree-Ireland encouraged participation in upcoming wages and working conditions meetings, directing members to for more information. 

In addition to reviewing several diversity, equity and inclusion programs in which SAG-AFTRA participated, Crabtree-Ireland highlighted the new National Disability Employment Awareness Month video vignettes presented by the National Performers with Disabilities Committee and available for viewing at

He also discussed the union’s participation in the recent International Federation of Actors (FIA) annual meeting, where the body unanimously approved a resolution supporting SAG-AFTRA’s Video Game Strike. 

“Performer unions around the world have committed to standing in solidarity with striking SAG-AFTRA members, declaring that video games companies will not find a welcome mat anywhere in the world if they go there to try to evade or undermine our strike,” said Crabtree-Ireland.

Crabtree-Ireland also introduced SAG-AFTRA Chief Economist David Viviano who gave a brief confidential report on membership, employment and earnings trends. 

Finance Report

Chief Financial Officer Arianna Ozzanto presented the first quarter financials, reporting that we are tracking to budget. 

Contracts Report

Chief Contracts Officer Ray Rodriguez reported a tentative deal on the union’s Uptown (Nickelodeon) Live Action Agreement which was approved unanimously by the Board. 

The Board also approved additional members to the Commercials Contracts Negotiating Committee and appointed co-chairs to the Music Video Agreement Negotiating Committee.

Governance Report

Chief Governance and Equity and Inclusion Officer Michelle Bennett reviewed administrative and governance matters.

Legal Report

SAG-AFTRA General Counsel Jeffrey Bennett delivered the legal report and expanded on A.I. legislative victories.

The meeting adjourned Sunday at 2:20 p.m. PT.


SAG-AFTRA represents approximately 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other entertainment and media professionals. SAG-AFTRA members are the faces and voices that entertain and inform America and the world. A proud affiliate of the AFL-CIO, SAG-AFTRA has national offices in Los Angeles and New York and local offices nationwide representing members working together to secure the strongest protections for entertainment and media artists into the 21st century and beyond. Visit SAG-AFTRA online at

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