Justice in Policing Act of 2020 First Name * Last Name * Phone Number * Email * Are You A SAG-AFTRA Member or Ally? * - Select -SAG-AFTRA MemberSAG-AFTRA AllyOther SAG-AFTRA ID Email/Phone Usage Email/Phone Usage By checking below, I agree that SAG-AFTRA may contact me with updates on Justice in Policing Act of 2020, meetings and organizing activities in the following ways: Email, Phone and Text (standard data rates may apply) Email, Phone and Text (standard data rates may apply) By checking this box, I agree to allow SAG-AFTRA to include my name in any petition/statement/advertising associated with this campaign By checking this box, I agree to allow SAG-AFTRA to include my name in any petition/statement/advertising associated with this campaign I represent that I am age 13 or over. I represent that I am age 13 or over. 13 disclaimer text If you are under 13, please have your parent contact the union for further information on how to provide your information. CSS Submit
PTEOE Questions First Name * Last Name * Would you like to remain anonymous? * - Select -YesNo Email * SAG-AFTRA ID (if applicable) PTEOE Topic * - Select -Doblaje: 'SAG-AFTRA Seminario En Español: Doblaje/Spanish Language Seminar: Dubbing'The Role of Field Services RepresentativesSmall Budget Basics: Micro-Budget and Short Project AgreementA Crash Course on SAG-AFTRA"s Influencer AgreementKnow Your Rights: Discrimination in the Workplace Question Title Please type your question in the area below. * Disclaimers Please note that, unless otherwise requested, your name may be read aloud during the program if your question is selected. Due to time limitations, not all questions will be addressed during or after the program. This program will be recorded and may be later shared in whole or in part on SAG-AFTRA’s website, podcast and social media channels. This workshop is not intended to imply an endorsement of any individual or company by SAG-AFTRA. The information provided through the workshop is given for informational purposes and may not be a suitable substitute for the advice of other industry professionals. You should always use good judgment in these matters and should not act or refrain from acting based solely on information provided through the workshop. CSS Submit