Guild President Alan Rosenberg recently testified in Washington D.C. before the Senate Commerce Committee and urged lawmakers to oppose legislation that would increase FCC indecency fines for individual performers to $500,000. Rosenberg has since returned to Washington D.C. and met with several key senators to explain the disastrous impact these fines would have on actors. Now we need your help.

Take action today to fight onerous FCC fines for individual creative artists. Send your message today.

Please email your U.S. Senator (see link below) between now and May 17 and urge him/her to OPPOSE any legislation for FCC performer fines.

Here is a Sample Message:

Dear Senator:

I am a constituent, a voter, and an actor. As a proud member of Screen Actors Guild, I urge you to oppose any legislation calling for fines against individuals. As an actor, I am hired to perform roles as instructed by my employers. The notion that we can be subject to a $500,000 fine for doing our jobs on scripted programs is outrageous.

Please protect me, and every other American, from these outlandish fines. SAY NO TO INDIVIDUAL FINES!


How to Contact Your Senator:

Click on the following link, then enter your state.


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